Some recent testimonials from Personal LIcence course candidates

“Well delivered, concise and enjoyable’ JD, Aintree racecourse

“ Very clearly orated by Stephen, and well explained” AH, Aintree racecourse

"Really enjoyed learning with Stephen. He made it fun as well as educational." MS, Betteshanger

" Very helpful and informative. Nice to have a jolly and very funny instructor” CT, Tunbridge Wells

"The course was run well. I was worried at the start but by the end felt much better” JF, Maidstone

“ Stephen’s training style was engaging and very thorough. His content gave all he information required.” SB, Maidstone

Stephen was fantastic, a great help. Thanks.” JS, Grafty Green

Officially a quality training centre

Stephen Thomas Law is proud to be consistently recognised by the BIIAB (British Institute of Innkeeping Awarding Body) as one of its top quality centres for delivering licensing courses. I am committed to helping candidates get to grips with licensing law and obtain their qualification. Do get in touch to discuss your West Peckham Village Hall near near West Malling. If you have sufficient candidates I can attend your premises to deliver training.